Monday, March 12, 2012


Certain players are discriminated against because they are not of American origin. The author makes the point American's will accept foreign players if they are good or stars in the sport. Asian Americans are not usually accepted into the sport, but Ichiro was accepted into the sport because he was very good. Baseball is America's pastime so many Americans want to keep the purity of baseball with Americans. The author is disappointed with himself because he liked Ichiro for the wrong reasons, racial reasons.

This article completes the task of getting his point across that stereotypes cloud people's judgment when looking at sports stars. His argument is effective with both personal experiences and facts about the issue he is raising. As a Korean he is able to get his point across because he falls into the same stereotypes.

The idea of true Americans is addressed in this article. Kang presents the idea that certain players will not be accepted into baseball because they are not truly Americans. Stereotypes are brought up because certain races are generally not seen as good at baseball as Americans. Kang himself does follows the same stereotype by cheering for an Asian player even though he is Korean and Ichiro is Japanese. Kang regrets this decision to cheer Ichiro because it made him an unreliable source because he was falling into the stereotypes that he is trying to write against.

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