Monday, March 12, 2012

SWA #17

Jonny Leon
English 102-111
March 12, 2012
SWA #17

Jost, Kenneth. "Revising No Child Left Behind." CQ Researcher 16 Apr. 2010: 337-60. Web. 12             Mar. 2012.
This article discusses the problems with no child left behind policy that President Bush started over eight years. It also outlines solutions that President Obama plans on making to the policy. Both liberals and conservatives criticize this policy saying it puts too much emphasis on standardized testing and schools that do poorly on these test lose funding. Obama wants to focus on improving the lowest preforming schools. Teachers unions are opposing this policy because it would most likely result in the firing of many teachers. Instead of having each state have its own set of standards for education, Obama wants to adopt a national set of standards.

Clemmitt, Marcia. "School Reform." CQ Researcher 29 Apr. 2011: 385-408. Web. 12 Mar.          
The United States no longer leads the world in education standards. Reformers to the current education system want to create more charter schools and fire teachers based on students’ performance on tests. Republicans have recommended such an approach to education reform for some time now. They also want to weaken the strength of teachers’ unions. Teachers’ unions protect teachers from claims of incompetency and keep them from being fired.  President Obama wants to start a more data driven analysis of teachers’ performances. 

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