Wednesday, February 15, 2012

SWA #10

Jonny Leon
English 102-111
February 15, 2012
SWA #10

Title: Taxing Food, Changing America’s Diet?
Thesis: Increasing or creating a tax on bad or unhealthy food will make the people of America healthier.
I.                   Taxing unhealthy foods will make people healthier.
a.       Obesity is a major problem in the United States right now and it will only become worse.
                                                              i.      Taxing these bad foods would not only help people to become less obese but it would also stop people from becoming obese.
                                                            ii.      Taxing foods with high sugar and fat content will lead to a healthier nation.
b.      Type 2 Diabetes is also a problem that can be linked to unhealthy eating and obesity.
                                                              i.      A large fraction of Americans either have diabetes or are close to getting it.
                                                            ii.      It is a deadly problem that needs a solution.
II.                Taxing unhealthy food will save the government money in healthcare costs.
a.       If these bad foods are taxed and less people experience these health problems the government will not need to spend as much money treating people.
                                                              i.      Heart disease related to obesity is one of the major causes of death.
                                                            ii.      Diabetes affects nearly one third of all Americans.
b.      The government will save money in the long run because if obesity and diabetes grow in America it will cost the government even more than it does now.
                                                              i.      This is not a problem that will go away but will only become worse.
                                                            ii.      Spending money to solve the problem now will save money in the long run.
III.             Bittman’s arguments are effective but at the same time come off as very critical.
a.       His arguments are based too heavily in facts and not enough ideas.
                                                              i.      Facts are good for any argument but too many takes away from an original thought or ideas.
                                                            ii.      The facts show that he has done research but not necessarily thought this idea out.
                                                          iii.      He obviously has a fact for any situation but not a real solution.
b.      Ideas like this do not come without consequences.
                                                              i.      Bittman presents this idea as not problematic at all.
                                                            ii.      Ideas like this always have consequences and Bittman does not present any of the consequences.
IV.             Conclusion: Bittman makes an effective argument through the use of facts and figures to convince readers that there is a problem that has a simple solution. Even though the argument may be effective it is lacking.

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