Wednesday, February 29, 2012

SWA #16

Jonny Leon
English 102-111
February 29, 2012
SWA #16

Fullan, Michael. "The Three Stories of Education Reform." Kappan Professional Journal. N.p.,      17 Apr. 2000. Web. 29 Feb. 2012.
                        Michael Fullan outlines three different stories that try and help solve the problem
that the education system is facing today. It shows the three different ways in which reform has to happen for it to be effective and actually have some kind of lasting changing. Fullan says that the reason change has not happened so far is that people fail to understand both the local school systems and the surrounding infrastructure. The first story he goes over is the “inside story” which talks about changing the schools internal dynamics. The second story is the “inside-outside” story and this deals with how successful schools deal with all the outside reason that would stop them from being effective schools. The third story is the “outside-in” story and that deals with how agency outside of the schools can be reformed to better the schools themselves.

Resnick, Lauren, and Megan Hall. "Learning Organizations for Sustainable Education Reform."   Daedalus 127 (1998): 89-118. Print.
                        This article starts out by saying that education reform has been around for a while
but has always had disappointing results. The reason why it continues to happen is because businesses are now calling for more education from their employees. The authors say that one of the main problems education reform does not happen is people are too focused on gift or talented students rather than focusing on all the students as a whole. The smarter students only tend to get smarter. Another problem they outline is the difficult dealing with the government and other organizations when it comes to trying to reform. 

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