Wednesday, February 15, 2012

SWA #11

Jonny Leon
English 102-111
February 15, 2012
SWA #11

Bittman’s arguments in his essay, “Bad Food? Tax It”, are effective at first glance but are overly critical and seemingly without too much thought. Bittman’s arguments are based too much in facts and not enough in ideas. Facts are a very important part of any argument, when they are appropriate, and in this case they are appropriate, but he uses them too much. His argument is based almost solely in facts and when it comes to ideas he thinks someone else should come up with them. He draws readers in with impressive, and even scary, facts and figures but then offers no real solution to the problem. Bittman also seems to think ideas like this have no consequences. Major changes like the one Bittman is proposing are very difficult and can be very problematic. Bittman does not present any of the consequences or problems that could arise from this proposed idea.

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