Monday, February 27, 2012

SWA #15

1. The issue of failing school systems is fairly easy to research. This is an issue that can either be done at a local or global level. Education reform is a very popular topic among scholars and many studies have been done related to things such as high school drop out rates and illiteracy rates. I am leaning towards this issue since there has been a lot research done on the topic. There are many different opinions on how to solve the problem  or at least try and make the probably a little bit less worse.

2. The issue of whether or not the media causes increasing violent acts seems to be highly debated. Studies have been conducted to see whether or not violence in media cause more violent acts to be preformed. It would seem to be an increasingly worse cycle if that is the case. This is not a new issue but it has not gathered any definitive results so views from different decades could be compared to see if there have been any large changes. I am also leaning towards this issue since it is a highly debated topic.

3. An issue that has only come up recently is whether too much medicine is bad for us. This topic seems to have less information on it since it not necessarily a new debate but one that has become popular only recently. Not very many studies have been done so far so it will probably be a difficult topic to research.

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