Monday, February 20, 2012

SWA #13

1 a) Does violence in TV shows and movies desensitize people and lead to violent or antisocial behavior?
b) Recent acts of violence, by younger people, are often attributed to violence in movies, tv shows, or video games.
c) I do not think it does lead to violent behavior.
d) I would like to research if people have become more violent or antisocial with increase of violence in the media.

2 a) Has the increase of prescription drug use in recent years led to diseases such as autism or ADHD?
b) People are being medicated for almost anything today and this could lead to more issues rather than solving them.
c) I think prescription drug use is way too high and the negative side effects from long term use have not been appropriately identified.
d) I would like to research the how much prescription drug use has increased in recent years and also research the amount of diseases and disorders that have also increased.

3 a) The failing education system
b) Our current education system is very poor compared to other 1st world countries. The average student is not challenged and some people graduate high school without even knowing how to read.
c) I believe our current education system is facing some major problems and if it does not get better soon we may see a generations of very uneducated people who only know who to use computers and cell phones.
d) I would like to research topics like the dropout rate, illiteracy rate, and course work that is involved in most students schooling.

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