Sunday, February 12, 2012

SWA #8

1. Scully builds and supports his case that cruelty to animals should be a conservative cause by claiming that it is not the animals right but that it is morally wrong for humans to be cruel to animals. The liberals generally make the case that animals should have the same rights as people therefore they should not be abused in the way that they are in place such as "factory farms". Conservatives generally do not like this view but Scully presents a new one. Scully says it is not the animals right to not be abused but it is morally wrong for humans to participate in such practices towards animals. This means that even if conservatives do not think animals have the same rights as humans, they should still not have such cruelties inflicted upon them.

2. Scully seems to be for the "rights" of animals. By claiming that the only people that generally care about this issues are those that think animals have certain rights, he is caring and therefore showing that animals have certain rights. Scully's whole argument is that even if a certain person does not think animals have certain rights, it is still morally wrong to abuse them or be cruel to them. Scully is coming from a position that cares for the rights of animals and then says even if you do not care about animals rights you should care about being morally just.

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